Recipient. Prof. Dr. Serge Jurasunas
Szidonia Castle. Hungary. 16Th September 2023
The ceremony was attended by several international distinguished guests hailing from 22 countries, include member of the Chevalier des Belges coming from Belgium.
Professor Serge Jurasunas who comes from Portugal was chosen and honoured among other candidates to be the recipient of the prestigious Albert Schweitzer Life Time for Outstanding Achievement in Medicine 2023. Serge Jurasunas is an internationally recognized integrative oncology doctor, researcher, spiritual man, philosopher, writer and pioneer in several fields of Alternative and Naturopathic Medicine. He developed several type of therapy to treat cancer with non toxicity. His practice also includes teaching, consulting and humanitarian service, being inspired by the life of Dr Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) know as the physician of Peace.

Winner of the Nobel Prize of Peace in 1953) As doctor Serge Jurasunas feel that we have to respect the life of the patient fighting disease by all mean since the life of the patient is most important. and that today we need more human medicine, not computerized medicines and doctors. He boosts of 56 years of clinical practice, research, experience, development, lecturing around the world, He is the author of over 150 papers, eight books in French, Portuguese and English and published various articles in renowned Alternative Medicine magazines in the US, England, Japan, Germany, Romania, Belgium etc.

In the past he received many honours such as the International Dag Hammarskjold Award in 1981, in the field of research in medicine, from the International Academy of peace Pax Mundi. Serge Jurasunas was also honoured by being nonmined Academician with the Grand Gold Collar from the International Academy Di Pontzen of Science, Literature and Medicine in 1986, The Esculape Gold Medal of the Academy in 1988, The gold medal of the Academy of Lutece of Literature and Science, the silver medal of Invention by the Societe d!Encouragement pour la Recherche et l!Invention 1979 ( Paris). He is also member of the New York Academy of Science. He is the author of 2 important book in English include one about breakthrough in cancer and Immuno-Oncology.
Albert Schweitzer was probably one of the most saintly figures of the 20th century. He was a professor of theology, a clergyman, a world-famous organist, a historian of religion, a spiritual man, Doctor of Philosophy, writer and a medical doctor that devoted his life to a humanitarian mission in Congo. Over the years Serge Jurasunas life is much influenced by the destiny of Albert Schweitzer and the sacrifice he made by changing his prestigious life to move to Congo where he build a hospital. But is important is that Dr Schweitzer showed us that being a good doctor is firmly rooted in being a good human being as well which is the path follow by Serge Jurasunas during its 56 years of practice.
Today this is what is missing in our artificial society where doctors become more computerized and less human doctor. During the ceremony Serge Jurasunas delivered a speech with humanity purpose showing how our civilization is today in danger as already predicted by Dr Albert Schweitzer. He pointed the role play by devoted researchers with human mission who made great discovery in medicine but have been totally ignored because of financial interest such the Japanese K Asai Ph.D (1908-1982) researcher who devoted all his life to the discovery of the medicinal property of organic germanium and create the Asai Germanium Research Institute who still existing today by keeping doing research which should have been for a nomination for the Nobel Prize.

Surely it is not the only one that have been ignored. We all have something to contribute to our society and as doctor, researcher, spiritual men Serge Jurasunas have done more than his duty trying to save life of patients. It is say that if we save one life we save all the planet, of course we need to save thousand and thousands of life in order to save the planet but as Mother Theresa said If I alone do one good deed today, the world is already a better place, So what’s keeping us from making the world a better place with a better human medicine, with the only interest of treating the patient more than treating the disease and to not forget that the patient is a human being and not a box to fill up with medication.